Things we like to see in a performing arts website

Discover the key elements to create a powerful performing arts website that captivates visitors and sets your theatre company apart from the competition.

Posted by Conlumina | May 23, 2023
4 min read

UI/UX web design best practices for performing arts websites

When it comes to designing a website for dance and theatre companies, prioritising the user experience is paramount. Visitors are seeking information about shows and tickets, so your primary objective should be creating a website that satisfies these intents. To achieve this, focus on the following key areas:

1. Optimised booking flow with integrated ticket sales

Make it easy for users to book tickets by providing a streamlined and intuitive booking process. Integration with a reliable ticketing system ensures a smooth transactional experience for your visitors.

2. Calendar of events

A clear and up-to-date calendar of events is essential for visitors to stay informed about upcoming shows, performances, and other related activities. Ensure the calendar is easy to navigate and provides relevant details such as dates, times, and locations.

3. High-quality photos and video teasers

Captivate your audience with visually appealing content. Showcase high-quality photos of your shows, venue, and team members to give visitors a glimpse of the experience they can expect. Consider including video teasers to build anticipation and excitement.

4. Customer reviews

Highlighting positive customer reviews and testimonials adds credibility to your theater company. Publish genuine feedback from satisfied patrons to instill trust and confidence in potential visitors.

5. Great mobile experience

With the majority of internet users accessing websites via mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your website for mobile viewing. Ensure that your website is responsive, loads quickly, and maintains a seamless experience across different screen sizes.

6. Scannable and informative content

Provide concise and scannable information about your company, additional services (such as food and drinks availability), special offers, accessibility options, and more. Consider including a comprehensive FAQ section to address common queries and enhance user experience.

Building trust and credibility

Once you’ve perfected the user experience, your next focus should be on building trust and credibility. Consider the following aspects of website design, each as important as the next:

1. Convey a strong brand identity

Craft your website to convey trustworthiness and establish a strong brand identity. Use consistent branding elements, such as colors, typography, and logo placement, to create a cohesive and recognizable online presence.

2. Simple, authoritative messaging

Communicate your message clearly and concisely, providing authoritative direction to visitors. Use persuasive and actionable language to guide them towards desired actions, such as ticket purchases or subscriptions.

3. Memorable visuals

Incorporate visuals that resonate with your target audience. Use imagery that evokes emotions and captures the essence of your performances. Showcase the human element by featuring photos of your talented team members and performers.

4. Professional yet personal look and feel

Strike a balance between professionalism and a personal touch. Your website should reflect the sophistication and artistry of your theatre company while maintaining a warm and inviting atmosphere.

5. Showcases your knowledge of the performing arts

Demonstrate your expertise and establish trust by providing informative content that showcases your knowledge of the performing arts. Publish blog posts, articles, or educational resources that highlight your theatre company’s expertise and commitment to excellence.

6. Uniform team member photos

Present your team members in a consistent and professional manner. Use high-quality headshots or portraits that exude professionalism and create a sense of unity among your staff.

7. Clean, modern layout

Opt for a clean and modern website layout that prioritises clarity and ease of navigation. Use whitespace effectively to create a visually appealing and uncluttered interface that guides users towards their desired information.

8. High functionality and usability

Ensure that your website functions flawlessly and provides a smooth user experience. Regularly test and optimise your website’s performance, eliminating any technical issues or usability barriers that could hinder visitor engagement.

9. High Level of Security and Encryption

Prioritise the protection of user data by implementing robust security measures such as SSL certificates, encrypted connections, and secure payment gateways. Clearly convey your dedication to data security to instill trust and confidence in your website users.

10. Inclusive and Barrier-Free Design

Adhere to web accessibility standards and guidelines, such as providing alternative text for images, ensuring optimal color contrast, and incorporating keyboard navigation options. Embracing an inclusive design approach not only benefits individuals with disabilities but also enhances the overall user experience for all visitors.

Crafting a powerful performing arts website

In the competitive world of performing arts, a well-designed website can make all the difference. By following these UI/UX web design best practices, you can create a digital platform that not only delights and engages your audience but also builds trust and credibility for your theater company. Remember, it’s not just about showcasing your shows and selling tickets; it’s about crafting a seamless user experience, delivering informative content, and conveying your unique brand identity. Embrace these best practices, and watch as your performing arts website becomes a powerful tool to captivate, inspire, and ultimately drive the success of your theater company.

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